
Question Mark Loss Memorial

Nanako had the amazing idea to create a loss wall, in-person where one part of the Willey Clock Tower is still standing, and here online. We thought it would be a good way for everyone in town to share a thought, feeling, or memory about something they lost over the last year or even something they lost a long time ago that they are still somehow carrying with them. That way, when everything disappears tomorrow, it will give everyone the opportunity to leave these lost things in the past.

Please share your losses here.

Your Losses

My sweet feral, Merry. She deserved so much better, and I will never forget her.

Remembered by LC

memorialized on May 30, 2024

You. Through you I’ve lost pieces of myself, but ultimately I lost you. A regret I will have to endure for the rest of my life. I would give anything to be with you again.

Remembered by Unknown

memorialized on May 21, 2024

My kind and brilliant dad

Remembered by L

memorialized on May 21, 2024

I lost my tissue box, which I need to find after reading this Question Mark Loss Memorial.

Remembered by Quinn H

memorialized on May 20, 2024

My dear little tuxedo cat. She was so tiny and sweet. I dream about her little white paws.

Remembered by Janice Mitt

memorialized on May 20, 2024

So many friends and all feeling of youthful hopefulness

Remembered by A H

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost my freedom and safety when others stopped protecting my health.

Remembered by F

memorialized on May 20, 2024

My mother-in-law, my kid's grandmother. The chance to give my kid a happy childhood. All the potential me's who existed when I was young and never lived. My dog.

Remembered by JR

memorialized on May 20, 2024

A sandwich, which I ate many years ago. I guess I didn't do much lose it as consume it. But the fact is that I no longer have that sandwich and its tastiness. I miss that sandwich.

Remembered by Eileen

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I'm trying to build an actual adult relationship with my parents, which means realizing we never had a good relationship to begin with. Every admission of distance and pain feels like a new loss; an acknowledgement that we've been performing for decades and there's no real foundation. It feels like I lost my happy family.

Remembered by Emi

memorialized on May 20, 2024

Internet weirdo here. I’m going to miss my fellow internet weirdos and the bonds we created following all the clues and brainstorming ideas. The friends I’ve made these last 13 months have made all the heartache laughter something I’ll carry with me. Thank you QM for your weirdness and bringing us together.

Remembered by Alien_indisguise

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost my wonderful cat. She was 20 years old and the sweetest cat I had ever met. I don’t know of any other that enjoyed being swaddled like a baby and carried around the house. I miss her every day.

Remembered by Sara

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I tore apart my entire life this year when we sold our condo and left the only place that ever felt like "home" to move to a more affordable city. I'm still lukewarm about the new location after three months, and I'm definitely grieving the loss. Seeing everyone in QM evacuate (multiple times) and face starting over has felt very relatable, even if I didn't uproot my life due to Voids and time wonkiness. The residents of Question Mark (especially the internet weirdos) have provided great comfort.

Remembered by stacia

memorialized on May 20, 2024

Every time I think of something I've lost, it reminds me of something I've gained. I have no idea if the scales are level yet. Some days I feel so low and other days feel just right. Maybe I've lost enough of the right things. Maybe I've lost perspective and now I'll never know.

Remembered by Steve B

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I think I've lost my father.

Remembered by Faye

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost my grandmother and my cat in the course of not even two months. Quit my job because it was not good for my mental health. Now I am adrift, sad, and lonely, and feel like I haven't lived up to my potential.

Remembered by P

memorialized on May 20, 2024

My brother David

Remembered by lynne

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost my pages.

Remembered by Slen D. Herman

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost my job at the end of last year. I haven't been able to find any work in my field in 2024, and I'm struggling not to lose hope.

Remembered by Kathy

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost myself saving everyone else

Remembered by Felicity

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I've lost trust in what I'm hearing and peace within my own mind as a result of gaining tinnitus, lost confidence in my body's functionality. I've lost faith in other people at times, even when bound by contract, or when bound by familial ties.

Remembered by Heather B

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost my mother’s high school class ring just two weeks after I inherited it after her funeral. It was too big for my finger so it must have been enormous on her; was it possibly from a serious boyfriend before she met my dad? I’ve lost so much these last two years

Remembered by Tayic

memorialized on May 20, 2024

Mike, a360, kevyn, kenna

Remembered by Michele

memorialized on May 20, 2024

Lost my life (I think) and got revived by a soul-ghost. Can't say I recommend it, but I also don't regret it.

Remembered by John

memorialized on May 20, 2024

'Gene & Jacquie Haaf

Remembered by Donna Jean Haaf

memorialized on May 20, 2024

all my past masks and selves, but I gained a truer me

Remembered by l

memorialized on May 20, 2024

My beloved dog passed away. It has been such a loss. Also, I’m missing a sock.

Remembered by Colin Young

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost my job, or at least I will. I faced perhaps the hardest year of my life and feel as though I failed despite knowing I gave everything I had and a bit more to help the children I work with. I continue marching on, but as the end of the school year approaches, I find the weight of uncertainty as I try to find a new job and the pain of reaching the end of my first year of teaching slowly feel as though it is crushing me.

Remembered by River Taylor

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I’ve lost 5 inches of belly fat and 13lb.

Remembered by Quinn

memorialized on May 20, 2024


Remembered by HABIT

memorialized on May 20, 2024

This is the worst day ever, This damn town ends & I'm still sick... Well I've atleast towards the end of Half-Life 2: Episode Two (2007)

Remembered by Brian Stells

memorialized on May 20, 2024

My sense of self, for a while. When I found it again, it was different.

Remembered by Andrew

memorialized on May 20, 2024

you guys are always welcome in my neighborhood

Remembered by Wally Darling

memorialized on May 20, 2024

Lost my minecraft buddy Chris

Remembered by Andrew

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost my sister, my parents, and my dog

Remembered by Charlie Willer

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I believe in you!

Remembered by Gabby

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost the respect I once had and my position as main tutorial host has gone to the new girl. Least I got my horse statue.

Remembered by Nick Austin

memorialized on May 20, 2024

A normal life

Remembered by Gregg Sellars

memorialized on May 20, 2024

My sister got turned into a marketable plushie.

Remembered by Nia

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost my cat, Stripes. That loss really upended my life and was the start of my depression.

Remembered by Nikki

memorialized on May 20, 2024

This was truly..... A Question Mark, Ohio.

Remembered by Walter White

memorialized on May 20, 2024

My previous life and identity, hope this one will be better.

Remembered by Jamie Monroe

memorialized on May 20, 2024

Bluebeard by millay. It wasn't the catastrophe we expected. There was no pyroclastic cloud that buried the laughter. No blinding apocalyptic oblivion to decimate the color of our world. No demonic fog to jaundice our vision. No emergency broadcast systems or fallout alarms. It all disappeared and is here but you can't have it. It's all within these four corners. A myriad of experiences, all unified and homogenized through one rectangular filter. For your pleasure and convenience. For your depression and malaise. Restlessness and confusion. Your illusion of choice and independence. You will have no books. There are no radios or cameras. No flashlights. No trading cards. No rollerskating nights. No drive in movies. No chalked sidewalks. No pining for her while you assemble the perfect tape or disc, and practice the perfect handwriting. No 3rd dimension. No conversations with our voices, impromptu with no backspaces. We have this, our rectangular filter. Flattened, backlit, and commodified. It's all gone but it's all here and you can't have it. It moved slowly but quickly, and without notice or alarm. I'm sorry. We all are.

Remembered by ?

memorialized on May 20, 2024

My sister Nebula

Remembered by Quasar

memorialized on May 20, 2024

I lost my friend Diane. 7th grade, and her family moved back to South Korea. I hope she's living a beautiful life.

Remembered by Goosey

memorialized on May 20, 2024

Video rental stores and tactile moments not entirely encompassed in the digital realm. Trying to find a video rental store was how I found QM.

Remembered by Hannah

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost everything, my childhood, my friend Jay, my dog. At least this emo girl seems promising.

Remembered by Lacey

memorialized on May 19, 2024

My sense of time.

Remembered by J

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I don't know where I am?

Remembered by Sophie Walten

memorialized on May 19, 2024

This is a small loss compared to the many listed here, but the impending disappearance Question Mark, a community of caring people invested in the future of this town, an oasis in a dark world wracked by rising fascism and genocide, is indeed a loss. Over 13 months of uncertainty and grief indeed, the people of Question Mark have been a companion in my pocket or under my pillow. Their worries and puzzles and hopes were mine. Their bike rides to the library or trips out for ice cream or sojourns in the dump were shared. I looked for their missing cats and I struggled to decipher the meaning in their chaos. I will be sad to see them go, but will cherish their lessons in my heart as we let go, together.

Remembered by Divya

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I've lost so many friends that I thought were so dear and vital to my day-to-day life. They may not even think about me anymore, aside from a random thought and internet dive to find an online profile. I loved some of them, I hated some of them, I did not know how in the world I would have a life without them in it. But I do - with new friends, that in 5, 15, 30 years I may only remember in passing. But the life still beats on, even though everything else changes.

Remembered by Rose K

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I've lost so many memories in their original form - all i remember are warped perspective of what i thought was the most important parts. I will lose the wonderful community i have around me, in this wonderful town. I may never lose the memories of what I think is currently most important to me, currently.

Remembered by Jenny K

memorialized on May 19, 2024

My dad died a few months ago. He was a fisherman in Alaska. I think I've been pretending he's just out to sea. It's easy to do that from Chicago. I don't have to wake up every morning face to face with loss; instead, he's on his boat, on the ocean, watching the sun come up. It always comes up.

Remembered by Megan Stielstra

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my husband. One day he was there and the next day he was not. Some people say that's better, to rip the bandaid off all at once, but I disagree. I would've liked to say a few things. To have a say.

Remembered by Greta Twombley

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I’ve lost my keys. I know a lot of people say they lose their keys, but this was a collection of more than 7000 rare and antique keys, all meticulously organized in display cases. One Thursday last month I came downstairs for a cup of Sanka, and every single key was missing, but the display cases were untouched. I really miss those keys.

Remembered by Rex Hembleton

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my dog a few years ago, but the void she left behind is still felt. She was such a good dog, and loved by all who knew her.

Remembered by Stephen

memorialized on May 19, 2024

My joy.

Remembered by Poe

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my friend Meghan and I think about her all the time. I also lost my hearing but I am learning to live with it.

Remembered by Joe Meno

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost a part of myself when the magazine I built came to an end. It was devastating in a way that is hard to really articulate. I never recovered that part of myself, but instead filled the void with a life full of new, different, amazing things.

Remembered by Dan Sinker

memorialized on May 19, 2024

Over the last year, I lost the Void, which was a surefire money-maker for this town as everyone knows. I also unfairly lost my position as mayor of Question Mark, which I quickly regained. I also lost someone I was close to and whom I now believe I may have underestimated. I miss their wit, intensity, and their companionship.

Remembered by Mayor Elizabeth Zisk

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my relationship with my father after I left the FBI. I hope one day soon we will be able to repair it.

Remembered by Adam Oberman

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss my hydrangea bushes, which both disappeared this year. I miss all the tiny leafcutter bees that would come. I miss how they would let me stand close by and hear their gentle buzzing.

Remembered by Hilda Durn

memorialized on May 19, 2024


Remembered by Bruno Ellis

memorialized on May 19, 2024

RIP Professor Chik N’ Crunch. I lost my keys, multiple times. I lost Bingo at Veterans Hall. I lost an understanding of who my father was and was forced to accept a more complicated version of him. I lost one version of my family but then I found another.

Remembered by Officer Ron Dublowski

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss gazing up at the stars with my father. I also miss my mother’s laugh.

Remembered by Lorna Davis

memorialized on May 19, 2024

My wife and I have been trying to have a child for some time. In December, we came close, and for about six weeks I believed we were going to have a baby. That loss is surprising in how it has stayed with me.

Remembered by Dr. Amodeus Harrington-Willey

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost some friends and loved ones during the pandemic but I also miss the idea of newspapers, of news, of the idea of truth and accountability. I miss all of us sitting in front of our television sets and watching the same television shows, the same televised news, and having a common understanding of the world.

Remembered by Ben Fortune

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost Abby several years ago. I will also be losing the music store. Just when it seems like too much, I think of my daughter and what she has showed me about finally being able to let go.

Remembered by Todd Bookman

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I finally lost my fear of the world.

Remembered by Beth Galinski

memorialized on May 19, 2024

The Drive-In is gone and shall not return this time. I miss the sound of laughter in the dark. I miss how simple it all seemed before, the light cutting the air, the images ten feet tall, the last hours of summer spent watching a really good movie with strangers.

Remembered by Max Fromm

memorialized on May 19, 2024

Tom Childs passed in October and the Town Council was never the same after that. I also have lost some mobility in my right shoulder and I am afraid I will never feel good in my body again.

Remembered by Tom Weathers

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss how my brother and I used to joke. Things have been difficult at the Motel before all this, and I miss how we used to laugh about the silliest of things.

Remembered by Ludlow Richards

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost a coworker during the pandemic and I still miss working with them everyday.

Remembered by Valerie Evans

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss my wonderful husband, Tom. I also miss the wonderful noise and excitement of the Car Wash and being a business owner. I do not know if I am strong enough to start over but it looks like everyone will be starting over so that makes it a little easier?

Remembered by Barbara Childs

memorialized on May 19, 2024

Like many of you, I will be losing my job. This next part is going to be difficult but I still have Spaghetti-O.

Remembered by Gabby Peters

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost a dear friend who lived in Eastwood Circle to cancer last year. Every morning we used to go for a walk together. Some days we would talk, others we didn’t even have to. I miss walking beside her.

Remembered by Bonnie Lavelle

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my relationship with my daughter. I am hoping I can earn it back.

Remembered by Dr. George Yakamato

memorialized on May 19, 2024

We lost Quentin for several months and life became almost unbearable.

Remembered by Gloria Quinn

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I realize now I may have lost my sense of scientific principles and for that I apologize. I got too caught up in being in a position of power, that I lost my way for a moment.

Remembered by Dr. Rebecca Lipsik

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my job and had to move home with my parents for a bit. But now things are looking better,

Remembered by Marlene Winters

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost Miss Mozart. And my priceless historical spoon collection. I also lost touch with some pretty good friends.

Remembered by Miss Mabel Vickery-Dupree

memorialized on May 19, 2024

For several months, I lost a sense of understanding of the decency of the people in this town. I also lost a sense of certainty which perhaps I was too old to have.

Remembered by Gus Holt

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I broke off an engagement with someone I thought was special but it turns out they were no good. I also lost my mom. She was 84 and still full of life.

Remembered by Jeannie Falls

memorialized on May 19, 2024


Remembered by Parker Holland

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I am going to miss my brother next year. We are going to different schools. I do not know how I will make it on my own.

Remembered by Dash Holland

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost several drafts of my latest film, Infinity in Reverse, a sweeping time-travel love story set in a quant, Ohio town. I also miss the Drive-In as it was one of the few venues in town with enough sophistication to show my films.

Remembered by William Higgland Jr.

memorialized on May 19, 2024


Remembered by Lindsay Dublowksi

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss all my cats: Bam-bam, Jon-Jon, Peaches, and Celery. I miss my second husband but not the first.

Remembered by Gladys Parker

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss my old friend Buck and Tom Childs and my wife Lacey.

Remembered by Jock Reynolds

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss my sons who grew up and moved to other cities. I miss having them around, telling jokes, and being responsible for them.

Remembered by Fred Williamson

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss my brother. I think I am ready to finally let go.

Remembered by Holly Peterson

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss being able to run. I hurt my Achilles tendon during the pandemic and it never healed properly. I miss the feeling of leaving everything behind.

Remembered by Timm Anderson

memorialized on May 19, 2024

Benny, my cat for fourteen years, passed away this year and I miss the smell of his fur.

Remembered by Macy Gibbs

memorialized on May 19, 2024

Bill, you are missed.

Remembered by Greta Twombley

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my mother five years ago and I miss her still but I know she’s always with me. I also want everyone to know what Q-eey did for this town.

Remembered by Violet Bookman

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my cat, Mr. Business. I will miss him but I am glad he is now with Bruno.

Remembered by Nanako Yakamoto

memorialized on May 19, 2024