
Question Mark Loss Memorial

Nanako had the amazing idea to create a loss wall, in-person where one part of the Willey Clock Tower is still standing, and here online. We thought it would be a good way for everyone in town to share a thought, feeling, or memory about something they lost over the last year or even something they lost a long time ago that they are still somehow carrying with them. That way, when everything disappears tomorrow, it will give everyone the opportunity to leave these lost things in the past.

Please share your losses here.

Your Losses

this is where the submissions start


memorialized on May 19, 2024

Over the last year, I lost the Void, which was a surefire money-maker for this town as everyone knows. I also unfairly lost my position as mayor of Question Mark, which I quickly regained. I also lost someone I was close to and whom I now believe I may have underestimated. I miss their wit, intensity, and their companionship.

Remembered by Mayor Elizabeth Zisk

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my relationship with my father after I left the FBI. I hope one day soon we will be able to repair it.

Remembered by Adam Oberman

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss my hydrangea bushes, which both disappeared this year. I miss all the tiny leafcutter bees that would come. I miss how they would let me stand close by and hear their gentle buzzing.

Remembered by Hilda Durn

memorialized on May 19, 2024


Remembered by Bruno Ellis

memorialized on May 19, 2024

RIP Professor Chik Nā€™ Crunch. I lost my keys, multiple times. I lost Bingo at Veterans Hall. I lost an understanding of who my father was and was forced to accept a more complicated version of him. I lost one version of my family but then I found another.

Remembered by Officer Ron Dublowski

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss gazing up at the stars with my father. I also miss my motherā€™s laugh.

Remembered by Lorna Davis

memorialized on May 19, 2024

My wife and I have been trying to have a child for some time. In December, we came close, and for about six weeks I believed we were going to have a baby. That loss is surprising in how it has stayed with me.

Remembered by Dr. Amodeus Harrington-Willey

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost some friends and loved ones during the pandemic but I also miss the idea of newspapers, of news, of the idea of truth and accountability. I miss all of us sitting in front of our television sets and watching the same television shows, the same televised news, and having a common understanding of the world.

Remembered by Ben Fortune

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost Abby several years ago. I will also be losing the music store. Just when it seems like too much, I think of my daughter and what she has showed me about finally being able to let go.

Remembered by Todd Bookman

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I finally lost my fear of the world.

Remembered by Beth Galinski

memorialized on May 19, 2024

The Drive-In is gone and shall not return this time. I miss the sound of laughter in the dark. I miss how simple it all seemed before, the light cutting the air, the images ten feet tall, the last hours of summer spent watching a really good movie with strangers.

Remembered by Max Fromm

memorialized on May 19, 2024

Tom Childs passed in October and the Town Council was never the same after that. I also have lost some mobility in my right shoulder and I am afraid I will never feel good in my body again.

Remembered by Tom Weathers

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss how my brother and I used to joke. Things have been difficult at the Motel before all this, and I miss how we used to laugh about the silliest of things.

Remembered by Ludlow Richards

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost a coworker during the pandemic and I still miss working with them everyday.

Remembered by Valerie Evans

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss my wonderful husband, Tom. I also miss the wonderful noise and excitement of the Car Wash and being a business owner. I do not know if I am strong enough to start over but it looks like everyone will be starting over so that makes it a little easier?

Remembered by Barbara Childs

memorialized on May 19, 2024

Like many of you, I will be losing my job. This next part is going to be difficult but I still have Spaghetti-O.

Remembered by Gabby Peters

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost a dear friend who lived in Eastwood Circle to cancer last year. Every morning we used to go for a walk together. Some days we would talk, others we didnā€™t even have to. I miss walking beside her.

Remembered by Bonnie Lavelle

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my relationship with my daughter. I am hoping I can earn it back.

Remembered by Dr. George Yakamato

memorialized on May 19, 2024

We lost Quentin for several months and life became almost unbearable.

Remembered by Gloria Quinn

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I realize now I may have lost my sense of scientific principles and for that I apologize. I got too caught up in being in a position of power, that I lost my way for a moment.

Remembered by Dr. Rebecca Lipsik

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my job and had to move home with my parents for a bit. But now things are looking better,

Remembered by Marlene Winters

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost Miss Mozart. And my priceless historical spoon collection. I also lost touch with some pretty good friends.

Remembered by Miss Mabel Vickery-Dupree

memorialized on May 19, 2024

For several months, I lost a sense of understanding of the decency of the people in this town. I also lost a sense of certainty which perhaps I was too old to have.

Remembered by Gus Holt

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I broke off an engagement with someone I thought was special but it turns out they were no good. I also lost my mom. She was 84 and still full of life.

Remembered by Jeannie Falls

memorialized on May 19, 2024


Remembered by Parker Holland

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I am going to miss my brother next year. We are going to different schools. I do not know how I will make it on my own.

Remembered by Dash Holland

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost several drafts of my latest film, Infinity in Reverse, a sweeping time-travel love story set in a quant, Ohio town. I also miss the Drive-In as it was one of the few venues in town with enough sophistication to show my films.

Remembered by William Higgland Jr.

memorialized on May 19, 2024


Remembered by Lindsay Dublowksi

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss all my cats: Bam-bam, Jon-Jon, Peaches, and Celery. I miss my second husband but not the first.

Remembered by Gladys Parker

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss my old friend Buck and Tom Childs and my wife Lacey.

Remembered by Jock Reynolds

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss my sons who grew up and moved to other cities. I miss having them around, telling jokes, and being responsible for them.

Remembered by Fred Williamson

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss my brother. I think I am ready to finally let go.

Remembered by Holly Peterson

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I miss being able to run. I hurt my Achilles tendon during the pandemic and it never healed properly. I miss the feeling of leaving everything behind.

Remembered by Timm Anderson

memorialized on May 19, 2024

Benny, my cat for fourteen years, passed away this year and I miss the smell of his fur.

Remembered by Macy Gibbs

memorialized on May 19, 2024

Bill, you are missed.

Remembered by Greta Twombley

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my mother five years ago and I miss her still but I know sheā€™s always with me. I also want everyone to know what Q-eey did for this town.

Remembered by Violet Bookman

memorialized on May 19, 2024

I lost my cat, Mr. Business. I will miss him but I am glad he is now with Bruno.

Remembered by Nanako Yakamoto

memorialized on May 19, 2024